Assuming a 'news post' is the equivalent of a 'journal' on other sites, I'm making this as a thing for people to read when visiting my page. So let's get started, shall we?
Games: Majora's Mask, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Parappa the Rapper, Cuphead, Spiral Knights, Wildstar, Baten Kaitos, Gotcha Force, Disgaea, Undertale, Journey, Persona (series), Final Fantasy (fav is 9), and much more!
Cartoons: Animaniacs, Digimon, Venture Bros, Space Dandy, Steven Universe, Angry Beavers, Rick & Morty, Avatar, Boondocks, Summer Wars, Lilo & Stitch, Soul Eater, Baccano!, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure; and many more!
And heck, for all those people who still read books, I loved Stephen King's Dark Tower series, and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy (aka Golden Compass).